Leg Compression Massage
Leg Compression Massage

Compression therapy uses the technique of controlled pressure to increase blood flow in your legs. It helps to improve blood flow to your heart, support your veins and decrease swelling in your lower extremities.
Complimentary during IV service
$25 as a standalone service
The most frequently reported non-severe medical compression therapy-associated adverse events included skin irritation, discomfort and pain. Very rare but severe adverse events, including soft tissue and nerve injury, were also identified.
Contraindications for use:
- Documented or Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Serious arterial insufficiency
Edema due to congestive heart failure - Localized wound, infection or cellulitis
- Poor skin integrity, e.g., sores, necrosis, infection, wet and weeping, redness, active bleed, etc. …
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